So, what now?
Well, honestly don’t know…I can only say that so far what we have is:
1- Character Models (with rigs, very bad rigs, but rigs anyway)
2- Puzzles Mechanics (quite interesting, if you can’t believe it)
3- Own Build Engine (with bugs obviously, at least not game breaking)
4- Script (Eduardo’s ravings is the best name for that, I guess)
5- Many Props and Materials (they are “good”, I guess)
6- Some sort of “levels design” (Again, Eduardo’s ravings)
7- Many enthusiasm to continue with “FATUM” (Well is something…it’s better than nothing)
And that’s it…maybe isn’t much, but that’s we have it, just for now.
In retrospect, many things have changed…but the essence, the soul of FATUM remains the same; someone asked me if it was worth continuing with this project, the correct and logical answer to that: “IS NOT WORTH CONTINUE”, but my answer was “BUT IS WORTH FINISHING”. Wait until December, because either way, it’s just another prologue…and gonna be free for all :D.
We are
Ad Astra Per Aspera

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