Well, here we are to ask the long-awaited question. What's next?
It's a question that I'm sure some people have, one of them being me, and I believe I have a definite answer. To put some heavy consensus out there, no, this isn't my last game. (Most likely) I'm a very creative person who has lots and lots of ideas all at once, and I like to express my creativity through these FNaF fangames. Whether that be through story, gameplay, characters, etc. I just love making games for the fun of it, it's a hobby to me, so to give that up? It feels a tad empty to me. Nowadays, I do a lot more things with my life. I play sports, hang out with my friends, and overall, spend more time outside of game development. But when I'm not doing those things? Well, it all depends, but most times it's just boring, game development is just another fun thing for me to do. Things that boost my motivation for fangame creation are learning and coding new things. Believe it or not, for how long I've been developing games, I've barely even scratched the surface of what I can create. And I mean by coding such ideas in, not by literally thinking of new ideas. It's not just coding though, but also storytelling. I love telling a good story. Rather that be through character dialog, literally writing out a story, or making games, I love to tell a good story. Serious, or goofy. (goofy stories are where I excel the most in my mind.)
Now, why am I telling you all of this? I thought you were telling us what's next? Well, that's because I have an idea to make a POSSIBLE sequel to Northbury Antiques. I want to make the sequel to be the BEST fangame I've worked on. Northbury Antiques is by far my favorite fangame I've ever worked on. Five Nights at Coso's PLUS: Deluxe Edition was by far the most impressive fangame I've ever made, but nothing will beat how much fun I had making the first game. Yes, I know Northbury Antiques didn't have the most creative characters, atmosphere, or setting, but I love it, and I want to expand its story and universe.
Plus, it would be interesting to work on considering Brady Hege has given me the "rights" to the whole series, it's under my care. That doesn't mean that I'll push him out cause now it's mine like the Once-ler from the Lorax, it just means that I can pretty much do whatever I want to it now. and also because he'll be willing to help on making music for the game. Brady makes some fantastic music (if you haven't heard already) and I'd love to have him make some music for the game, which is even more surprising considering he's not in the fangame or FNaF scene at all anymore. With his music and my skills and ideas? I feel like the game could be expanded to greater lengths.
But of course, outside of N.A,
What about Five Nights at Coso's PLUS: Deluxe Edition?
Well, what else is there to be done? I've done everything I've ever wanted to do with this game and its series. I've played all of the games, and made TWO remakes of the first game, what else is there for me to do?
Well to put it plainly, nothing. I wanted to make a remake of the first game, I did it. I wanted to make a Coso remake that was a head nod to the series, I did it. I've worked tirelessly on this game for a couple of months, and it all paid off. Of course, making this game and being part of the community for so long has been draining, which has led to SO MANY burnouts. Anytime I've wanted to do something, I've been pretty much forced to make this game every day.
For example, remember when I made SEVERAL posts about a FNaF fangame in the pizza tower art style called Stuck at Fredbear's? Well, when I was super passionate about making the game, people would ridicule me and tell me to work on Coso's PLUS. This has happened for so long to the point that now that Coso's PLUS is done, I've had no motivation to ever work on that game again, cause back when I was passionate about making the game, I'd be pushed to continue with Coso's PLUS.
It doesn't end there though, towards the end when it was close to completed, I grew so burned out on the project. But guess what I had to make next? THE ANDROID PORT. Even from DAY ONE, people have been asking for Android ports, and I've had NO interest at all in making them. But one thing led to another, I told people they'd get one if someone else did it for me for free, and they found someone, I contacted, we partnered, and that's that. News struck that it couldn't be imported properly, boo-hoo, that's it, I'm free, and the kids could only whine.
When that was done and finished, I updated the game when I needed to the most, and that was it.
So if you can't tell already, I'm not planning on doing anything else with this game or anything Five Nights at Coso's related for a VERY long while, or ever.
I've done absolutely everything with this game and its series, and I've grown pretty tired of it. This series will always mean a lot to me, but I think it's time for me to move on, at least for now. I have plans to migrate from the Coso community and do my own thing. I hope you understand.
If I ever go to fruition with a Northbury Antiques 2, I'll notify yall on the first games page.
Thank you.