8 months ago

Soft!Pico: And that is the Andromeda Galaxy

Soft!BF: Really? That looks like a blurred dot to me.

Soft!BF: You.. really know alot about the stars Pico...

Galaxy: And i know a lot more because i live in space! >^<

Soft!Pico: I'm gonna kill him.

Soft!BF: Pico No!!

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Experiment Children: Group I

Kaity did it again—

Why is he so adorable

Boyfriend friday night funkin Art lol


Soul Lizzy art for mom(@Lizzy_Zebra ) <3

While i wait from my BF to return to the call. here are some pictures of "Broken Down's" newer design


The New RGB Galaxy edition trio! :3

(Also I'm back)