Insectoid Descent

5 years ago

Soluja Character can now be selected

New gui and Soluja face made by


New tutorial room is being added into the game. We also have been experimenting with text generating for dialogue, annotated descriptions and notifications like "Press E to use".

Instead of animating each phrase pixel by pixel, we can design a font and generate dialogue automatically. It has also been programmed to make a clicking noise of ours upon every word that is generated.


New Enemy, a more intelligent form of insectoid.


If you like pixel art there is a community for you on gamejolt

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Next up

New Bullet Bar, Soluja now in-game, & more

Tales of the Game Dev

3 YouTube Creators Tried our Game!

Two variations for dead guards in a top-down shooter game

After Three Years, the Player Wall Collisions are FIXED!!!!!!!!

Main Menu Rework, New Mercenary, Improved MachineGun

Our game has been updated, MFA is now public.

Insectoid Descent, November 2021 Devlog, Lots of Cool Stuff (Looking for Testers/Tubers)

Bullet Casing Ejection Physics - POWPOWPOW, YEAHH!!!

New Shiny Lab Tiles in the Genome Lab with Lights