FNaF Ultimate Custom Night: Multiplayer
7 years ago

Some Things You should know...

Before anything happens I need togive out some Information that you should
probably know. Here we go!

1. No Android Ports!
before hundreds of people ask if there is going to be a mobile port. The
Answer is No because your Android Device wouldn’t be able to
handle this Game.

2. How the Gameplay will be
Well, Nightguard is obvious but maybe you want to know how you
play as the Animatronics. It will be like the Simulator games. Free
Roam in 3d or 2d is not going to become a thing because you could just
go to the door/vent/hose opening and wait until the Power goes out
which is very unfair.

3. Requirement for the game to be released/developed
Since it’s a Multiplayer game that has a Maximum “Player Capacity”
of 57 Players per game, we need ALOT of people that are interested
in this game. If you don’t know what I am talking about, we need atleast
250-500 Followers for this Game to be developed and
1.000 Followers for this Game to be released!

Edit : Maybe 1.000 Followers are a bit too much… but 250-500 are
definitely needed!

I hope I didn’t forget anything! Have a nice day!




Next up

Thank you for over 1.000 Followers!

It's been a long time


Discord Server open! Very simplistic Server. And *please, be kind on this server.* I don’t have much to say, so… yeah. Discord! :

Something is in the Background...

A Shadow fills up a Box! (News at the Bottom!)


The final Nightmare!

The Golden Past...

Another Puppet to be afraid of...