Untitled Game
3 years ago

Some thoughts on development

Hey everyone! I posting this devlog to talk about my thoughts about how the game is going on and my feelings about it

So, to start this post I wanna say that the development is being pretty well, I learned a lot while developing this game and I'm looking forward to do more things on it, I gonna take a small break now because this update was pretty big, right now I'm thinking about the future for this game, it was started just as a fun idea (and it continues like this!) I don't want to do something pretty big with this game, but I also wanna do something with effort, and say "hey, this gave me a lot of headaches!) and be proud of it.

The next version will be the last one that I'll call "demo" after the 0.16.0 I gonna start working on it as a "BETA", the game will jump from 0.16.0 (demo stage) to 1.0.0, and start as a beta, this is where I will start polishing the game, the code, the hud, start doing the models, and etc, etc.

After the beta hit a "stable" status, I'm gonna start aiming to release the game on Steam, yeah that's right, I wanna put this small fun project on Steam.

When the game arrives on Steam, it will be paid, you guys can still play the beta and demo builds for free, but the whole game will cost something, the price will be decided when the game is finished (don't worry, it will cost much less than a triple-A game of course XD) but is too soon to talk about the price right? for now, let's just have fun with this small project that I have been working for almost a year!

But being pretty honest here, I still few a bit insecure about it, this will be the first project that I'll charge something for it, I am not sure about how my code work, it is something solid and well done you know? well, we will see how things will go in the future...

Thank you all for supporting me for all those years with my projects! I hope I can stick around much more doing this for much more time! see you guys in maybe a few months from now hehe...

One more thing

If you guys want to take a look at what I have planned for this game, I invite you to take a look at the Trello for the game, this is where I put my and others ideas for the game, I try to organize this place and always put something on it when it comes in mind so, feel free to take a look every time you want!

-> Click here to go for the Trello <-

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Next up

consegui fazer uma coisinha que eu queria fazer a muito tempo funcionar

Devlog #3 Some thoughts, New things and changes

Changelog 0.10.0 Reconnect System, some changes and a lot of fixes!

Algumas foto de como tá a HUD agora, ainda quero muda muita coisa mas tá bonito até

canal tá de volta no Youtube (não o antigo), depois eu posto um video da 0.17.0 lá pra da uma atualizada no pessoal

Changelog 0.11.0 and some warnings

In-game options and next steps!

It's finally here! Update 0.17.0

Changelog 0.17.2

to pensando em retrabalhar como a HUD funciona internamente ao invés de só deixar tudo pre-setado no player, alguem ai que já trabalho com HUD tem alguma dica pra me da?