Sonic Runners Reloaded

3 years ago

Sonic Runners Reloaded (v1.3.0) is available on Android & PC!

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Changelog for Sonic Runners Reloaded v1.3


- Added Tutorial, access it through the Settings screen, or when starting the game for the first time

- New performance options (Disable backgrounds, screen overlays, drop shadow, particles, action SFX)

- A secret vault has appeared in the Settings menu, find a way to open it to unlock Debug Mode

- New items, White Wisp, Flame Shield, and Bubble Shield

- New larger event collectible, which equals 5 points when collected

- New particle effect added when Eggman notices the player

- New particle effect when collecting Red Star Rings

- New particle effects when destroying enemies or hazards with an Asteroid Wisp

- New particle effects when perfoming tricks

- New particle effect when hitting a Super Badnik

- New sound effect when jumping after running off of a platform

- Sonic Movie characters and companions now in Ticket Exchange

- Various new characters, companions, and music tracks added for future events

Changes & Improvements

- Classic Sonic's got a new model, based off his look in Sonic Jam

- Movie Sonic's got an updated model

- New animations for Espio

- New character art in the menus

- Changed Ring and Super Ring drop rates to better match the original Sonic Runners

- Tweaked Ring and Super Ring ratio when using RC Pirate Spaceship

- Enemies are now destroyed properly when walking into them using Invincibility

- All enemies and hazards on-screen are now destroyed when exiting a Wisp powerup

- The backdrop now darkens when activating a Wisp powerup

- Invincibility music is now included in the Wisp Music toggle, now renamed to Power-Up Music

- Wisp Capsules now have an updated look to better match their original appearance

- Various hazards now have an updated look

- Star Posts now spin when you run past them

- The "Continue?" screen now fades out

- Super Shield upgrade has new sprites

- You can now use the scroll wheel in the Ticket Exchange

- Updated Credits screen

Bug Fixes

- Skull Chao ability now works correctly

- Fixed enemies going invisible after flying through them with a Ghost Wisp (Android)

- Fixed an issue where falling into a pit and being revived by a companion would make springs no longer work

- Fixed jumpball not appearing when reviving with a Sub-Character when the Main Character was set to one of the Classic characters

- Fixed Limit Smash stars not changing to rainbow properly when tapping on a character icon

- Fixed invincibility timer activating even though Death Egg doesn't trigger invinciblity

- 16-Bit Green Hill background now shows up properly in the Results screen

- Fixed keys A and S not activating the Super Shield skill tree ability

- Fixed cannon firing inconsistencies

- Fixed Dark Chao Walker / Eggpod behavior acting incorrectly when speeding up

- Fixed an issue where crystal particles were not being destroyed



Next up

Our friends over at Sonic Runners Revival is premiering a "Sonic Runners Revival Central" today over on their YouTube channels! English Version: Spanish Version:

Happy birthday #Sonic!

Here's a frame redraw of Sonic Origin, to celebrate it's release.

#SonicTheHedgehog #sonicfanart #sonicart #procreateart #digitaldrawing #SonicBirthdayArt

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Happy Lunar New Year! Drew Lunar Blaze since she is my favorite character variant in Sonic Forces: Speed Battle!

Sonic Origins Round 1 is ending soon, but be sure to look out for our next event, "Door into Summer", coming this August!

"Sonic Origins: Round 1 - Interlude" Event ends July 17 24:00 UTC (8:00 PM EDT | 7:00 PM CDT | 5:00 PM PDT)

First Part of Sonic Runners Reloaded - Story Mode is live on YouTube!

Sonic Runners Reloaded - Version 2.0 to be released in Feb. 25 TBD!

Updates regarding the future of Sonic Runners Reloaded | January 1, 2024

We're here to announce that Sonic Runners Reloaded is officially joining the Apple family!

We'll share more details in the upcoming future.

Sonic Runners Reloaded - Workshop Shadow & Christmas Event Showcase