2 years ago

Sonic the Hedgehog/Madagascar: Meeting New Twins Baby Sisters🦔🦔🍼🍼👑👑

On March 24, 2022, Sonic and Catherine were preparing for the birth of their sixth child. With Magnolia “Maggie” as the delivery nurse to help Dr. Horatio Quentin Quack for the delivery. The baby is finally born but then came another for a big surprise: Identical twin girls! Sonic and Catherine were blessed to have the big surprise in this moment with the twins whom they named Helena “Helen” Faith & Cynthia “Cindy” Hope. Even the quintuplets were happily excited to see their new baby sisters even Grace, Olympia, & Alexis are happy to have two princesses to play with. Just as Flora Craigson expected: two more munchkins to play.

The Nye-Frankenstein Family including Flora and the Schwartz Family were watching old home movies from the girls(Alexis, Olympia and Grace)’ late father Greg taking Grace home from the hospital by the time she was born until Catherine, nine months (42 weeks) pregnant with her sixth child, began to have contractions as she goes into labor

Magnolia “Maggie” Schwartz: Grace was such an adorable baby. Thank you so much, Greg, for making me the happiest girl in the world.

(Queen) Catherine Nye-Frankenstein: *groaned in pain* Speaking of baby, Sonic…….Maggie……..I think it’s time…….the baby’s coming…….

(King) Ogilvie Maurice “Sonic” Hedgehog-Nye-Frankenstein: *shocked by this* What?! Now?! Okay, I’ll call Dr. Quack and hopefully he’ll be on his way, just like we planned. *turned to Maggie* Mags, you’re on nurse assistant duty for the birth.

Magnolia “Maggie” Schwartz: You got it, Sonic. I’ll get some towels and then I’ll prepare to fill the tub for the baby’s first bath.

(King) Ogilvie Maurice “Sonic” Hedgehog-Nye-Frankenstein: *turned to Flora* Flora, make sure to keep an eye on the girls until this whole situation is under control.

Florence “Flora” Craigson: Sure. No prob, big blue. I’ll try to keep the lil’ munchkins out of your hair.

Half an hour later…..

Dr. Horatio Quentin Quack: *puts on gloves* Now, what do we have here, Catherine? It looks like we’re getting ourselves a package, aren’t we? Okay, Catherine, I need to focus on what we experienced before in the process of the birth, right? Push as much as you can and breathe very gently so that way we won’t lose your energy. Three, two, one……push!

Catherine pushed as far harder as possible

(Queen) Catherine Nye-Frankenstein: *groaned in pain* I……..I-I-I-I-I……..I……I can’t do it…….I just can’t……..

(King) Ogilvie Maurice “Sonic” Hedgehog: *holding his wife’s hand while coaxing her in the birthing process* Yes, you can, Cathy. Keep pushing. I know you can. Don’t give up. It’s gonna be worth the effort.

Catherine made many more pushes until the head is out

Dr. Horatio Quentin Quack: Almost done, Cath. Just give me one more big push and then we’re done. Three, two, one……..Push!

(Queen) Catherine Nye-Frankenstein: *screamed loudly in pain as she gave out the final push as her baby is finally being born*

*baby crying*

Dr. Horatio Quentin Quack: *hands the baby to Maggie to clean and examine to make nothing bad happen for the baby’s health* Well, hello, gorgeous. Welcome to the family, baby girl.

Magnolia “Maggie” Schwartz: *gently bathing the baby girl, a blue alihog with blonde heart-shaped streak on the top of her hair with Sonic’s muzzle and arm fur color* Wow! Good for you, guys! Now, you have six daughters running around the palace!

(King) Ogilvie Maurice “Sonic” Hedgehog-Nye-Frankenstein: It’s a shame that we didn’t get a boy but I’m good with having six daughters though. There’s no competition for whether any baby should be no matter what they are by gender. Kids are meant to be treated equal and that’s what the kind of family as we are.

(Queen) Catherine Nye-Frankenstein: *panted in exhaustion, tears of joy* She is so absolutely beautiful……..Sonic, look at her. She looks just like you. *exhaled in pain, realizing that there’s hopefully another baby coming* Doctor, I……don’t…..think…..we’re done here…….

Dr. Horatio Quentin Quack: I think you’re right. Looks like we have a double delivery around here hopefully. Let’s see. Just keep on pushing and lots of deep breaths.

A few more pushes later….

*baby crying*

Dr. Horatio Quentin Quack: Would you look at that. Another girl! Identical twin girls! 

Sonic and Catherine: *in unison* Twins?!

Magnolia “Maggie” Schwartz: *examining another baby girl, another blue alihog with blonde heart-shaped streaks on the tip of the hair but with Catherine’s muzzle and arm fur color* Oh! Now, that’s a surprise! *comforting the fussy twins as she handed them in light yellowish-green blankets to Sonic and Catherine* There, there……now, let’s have your auntie Maggie get you two to mommy and daddy.

(King) Ogilvie Maurice “Sonic” Hedgehog-Frankenstein-Nye: *held the first baby in his arms* Wow. Two more daughters of the family. Talk about seven daughters around the palace.

(Queen) Catherine Nye-Frankenstein: *held the other baby in her arms* You know what? I have great names for them. This girl I’m holding is Helena Faith. And the other girl you’re holding is Cynthia Hope.

(King) Ogilvie Maurice “Sonic“ Hedgehog-Nye-Frankenstein: Helena. Cynthia. I like it. How about Helen and Cindy for short?

(Queen) Catherine Nye-Frankenstein: Helen? Cindy? Yeah. Those are perfect. *to her twins* Hi, Helen, Cindy, I’m your mama. And this is your daddy.

(King) Ogilvie Maurice “Sonic” Hedgehog-Nye-Frankenstein: Mags, let Flora know that she and the girls can come in now.

Magnolia “Maggie” Schwartz: Of course.

A few minutes later…..

Flora, Alexis, Olympia, the quintuplets and Grace(six aged 2) came to the master bedroom to see the twins

(King) Ogilvie Maurice “Sonic” Hedgehog: Victoria, Joanna, Emily, Nelly, Sally, say hello to your new baby sisters.

(Queen) Catherine Nye-Frankenstein: These are Helen and Cindy. *to the twins* Helen, Cindy, these are the quintuplets, your big sisters.

The quintuplets already felt affectionate to the baby twins as each of them held them gently, even Grace was delighted to see the twins

(Princess) Nell Clover-Nye-Frankenstein: *baby talk* Hello, babies!

Grace Schwartz: Babies!

Florence “Flora” Craigson: Hello, double shorties. It’s me, your auntie Flora. You’re even more like your sisters when we met. Let’s hope that the quints change you and feed like midget adults.

Helen and Cindy giggled at Flora’s statement, finding funny for the first time

Alexis “Lex” Schwartz: Hi, Helen, Cindy. Look at you. I’ll bet someday, you’ll getting your own room instead of sharing one with the quints.

Olympia “Lympi” Schwartz: I’ll give you two much more of my old toys but do not go near Mr. Elephant, he’s our family too.



Next up

Sonic the Hedgehog: Gymnastics Mistress Tangle

Sonic the Hedgehog AU: Rush the Hedgecat

Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

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@MimiiPyon is a Jolter to Watch and a Sonic fan artist / part-time Vtuber! Follow MimiiPyon before the quest ends on March 18 and you'll get Coins!