Sonic's p.o.v
Well, today is the day. The competition. Amy said she felt better now so she come and help Pikachu. And now Knuckles and Tails are helping me out with my tuxedo.
"You looked really great in this!" Tails said, smilling to me. "Yeah. Totally!" Knuckles added. I then smiled at the two. "Thanks you two!" I said. "Ya know, it's kinda obvius you liked Pikachu" Knuckles said, nudging me. "Yup. We saw what you did two day ago~" Tails said. "F-fine! Yes...I do like her..." I said with a blush on my face. "Don't worry. Your secret is safe with us". Tails said. "And you can win the girl's heart" Knuckles said, smirking. "Thanks." I said.
"Okay, you're finished!" Tails said with a grin on his face. I looked at the mirror and smile. "What do you guys think?" I asked them. "You looked amazing!" Knuckles said. "Yeah!" Tails added. I then patted Tails on the head and fist-bumped Knuckles. All three of us walked out of the room and waited for the girls. I can't wait to see Pikachu.
Pikachu's p.o.v
"Hey Amy, thanks so much for coming! Even tho you're still sick, but you still came" I said and hugged Amy. "Of course! I wanted to see my best friend on the stage with her.." she smirked at me. "Lover..." she finished. I then blushed hard "h-hey!" She then laughed. "Tails and Knuckles told me about it." She said. "About what?" I asked her. " Y'know, two days ago" she said. I suddenly remembered the moment and blushed harder. "It was Sonic!" "Just spill it girl, you like him~* Amy said in a sing-song voice. "Fine...yes.." I said. "Bingo!" Amy said, smilling.
"And there! You're all set." Amy said after finish tieing a bow behind. "Thanks, Ames!". Pikachu said. She looked at the mirror. "What do you think?" Amy asked. "It looks....amazing!" Pikachu then hugged her. "Thank you!" " worries. Your bestie got this! Let's head out. I think the boys are waiting" Amy said as she tooks Pikachu's hand and headed out together.
Sonic's p.o.v
We saw the door opened and saw Pikachu standin there with Amy. "Ta-da!" Amy said. Wow...she looks...amazing...I then walked up to Pikachu. "You looked amazing in the dress." I said. She blushed. "T-thanks...y-you looked n-nice i-in the t-tuxedo...she stammered. I then blushed.
"It's time to go. Everyone ready?" Knuckles said as we checks if there's anything left. "Nope. Let's go". I said. We then headed to the competition
Pikachu's p.o.v (a little time skip)
Our turn is the last. And we're next. Me and Sonic were sitting on the backstage. Only the performers could sit backstage. Sonic noticed my nervous look. He then cheered me up. "Hey. No need to be nervous. We already trained, right? We can pull this one" He gave me a cheeky smile while I smile back.
We then heard someone called our names, "Sonic and Pikachu the hedgehog! You are next" Oh boy.... we then get ready. After the song ended, the performers came back into the backstage. "This is it.." I said to Sonic. "Yeah.." Sonic said. He looks alittle nervous. This is my turn to cheer him up. I gave him a smile while he smile back. "This is our last performers. Give it up to Sonic and Pikachu!" We heard someone said it on the microphone. Both of us got to the stage. We saw our friends cheering on us. The stage became dark and the song started playing. Sonic then started singing
(Here's the song,
You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide
I know you want me
So don't keep saying our hands are tied
You claim it's not in the cards
Fate is pulling you miles away
And out of reach from me
But you're here in my heart
So who can stop me if I decide
That you're my destiny?
What if we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine
Nothing could keep us apart
You'd be the one I was meant to find
It's up to you, and it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
So why don't we rewrite the stars?
Maybe the world could be ours
You think it's easy
You think I don't want to run to you
But there are mountains
And there are doors that we can't walk through
I know you're wondering why
Because we're able to be
Just you and me
Within these walls
But when we go outside
You're going to wake up and see that it was hopeless after all
No one can rewrite the stars
How can you say you'll be mine?
Everything keeps us apart
And I'm not the one you were meant to find
It's not up to you
It's not up to me
When everyone tells us what we can be
How can we rewrite the stars?
Say that the world can be ours
All I want is to fly with you
All I want is to fall with you
So just give me all of you
It feels impossible
it's not impossible)
Is it impossible?
Say that it's possible
How do we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine?
Nothing can keep us apart
'Cause you are the one I was meant to find
It's up to you
And it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
And why don't we rewrite the stars?
Changing the world to be ours
You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide
But I can't have you
We're bound to break and my hands are tied..
Sonic's p.o.v
Both of us finally finished the song. Wow...that was really fun. The crowd was quiet. Both of us were nervous if the crowd didn't love out performance. But then, the crowd cheered. We were very happy they liked us! I then noticed me and Pikachu were holding hands. This time, Pikachu noticed too but this time she didn't let go. She hold it tightier. I grined while she smiled at me.
Pikachu's p.o.v
I can't believe it...they totally liked us! Me and Sonic noticed we were holding hands. But I didn't let go. I didn't felt scared with him anymore. I hold it tighter which made him grined.
~time skip to the results~
Nobody's p.o.v
The host then came to the stage. "Our performers did very well. I wanted to say great job to all performers." He said as the audience cheered. "It's time for the results. Third place goes to..
Moon and Eclipse the wolf!
(It's my will become an OC :P. I can't think anymore ;-;)
A pair of wolf came to the stage. They looked like siblings. Both of them took the envelope and went backstage again. "Congratulations, you two!" The host said. "Now second place goes to.."
Shadow and Maria the hedgehog! (Random...and yes, I did Maria as a hedgehog :v)
The pairs walked up to the stage. The took the envelope and went backstage together. "Now...the place you all have been waiting! First place goes to..." Pikachu then prayed, "please it will be us. Please it will be us..."
"Sonic and Pikachu the hedgehog!"
Sonic and Pikachu looked at each other in shocked. Both of them hugged each other while the other performers looked at them, smilling. "Please come up the stage to take your money!" Both of them then went up, holding hands. The host then gave them an envelope. "Congratulations!" He said to them as both of them smiled at him as a thanks.
Pikachu's p.o.v
We won! was unbelievable. The judges love us!
Sonic's p.o.v
Wow..we did it..we finally have the money to help the house! I was shocked when both me and Pikachu hugged each other. But I liked it.
Nobody's p.o.v
"Sonic! Pikachu!" Their three friends ran to them and squished them into a hug. "You did it!" Tails cheered. "I know you can do it!" Knuckles said. "Yeah! It was amazing. Everyone love you guys!" Amy said. "Thanks guys. But we couldn't do it without your supports!" Pikachu and Sonic said.
~time skip again~
The five friends arrived at a beautiful house. "You ready?" Sonic asked Pikachu. "Yeah." Pikachu replied. Both of them hold hands and smiled at eachother while the others followed behind. They then knocked the door and a female deer opened the door. "Oh hello kids! What brings you here?" The deer smiled sweetly at them. "Actually, we're here to give you something. "Sonic said. Tails then gave her an envelope. The deer looked at them with a confused look. "It's for you". Tails said, smilling. The deer then took the envelope and opened it. She gasped when she saw alot of money on there. "It's for the house. We heard you're closing it because you can't pay the house." Amy explained. "So we gave this money for you to keep it open!" Pikachu finished for Amy. The female deer eyes suddenly filled with tears. She then hugged the five of them. "I can"t tell how much I appreciate it. Thank you very much!" She sobbed and let go of them. "How can I repay you?" "No need! You don't have to give us anything" Knuckles said. The deer then said thanks to them and all five of them went home happily
They had fun in the competition. Pikachu and Sonic started dating. And all five of them lived happily and stayed friends.
The end
Wohoo! Man it was long...i'm aorry if I broke your phone or computer or anything ;-;.
It was fun writing this. And I got no idea for the last part. Well, thank you so much for reading this book!
And a new story coming soon~ :)
Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow and Maria belongs to Sega
Pikachu, Moon and Eclipse belongs to me
Thank you so much everyone!! :3