sonic_thesingingcompetition in Pikachu's Hangout

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Sonic: The Singing Competition
Part 6 (final): The Singing Competition part 2 out of 2
Note: This will might be really long

Okay...this is considering recoloured...
Don't get me wrong but i'm just showing how Pikachu looked like in the dress.
And trying to picture her in the dress..
I will make a draw version of her in the dress
BTW, this dress is not by me
Sonic: The Singing Competition
Part 6 (final): The Singing Competition part 1 out of 2
Sonic: The Singing Competition
Part 5: The Bad News
Okay so..the story have two more chapter and finish.
And i'm working on a new story xD
Remember I said 'you're gonna be in it'?
Yep. That one.
So uh..stay tuned!
By the way, if you have any advice for me to improvise my story let me know :D