5 years ago
Soooo, dudes.
I want YOU to became a part of my game, so you can send there your arts about this game.
I'll put them in game in future updates.
I want you not to be missed)
(I prefer 640x480, ok?)
Next up
Fanarts by Vick!!! (And this time they're not even R34 lol)
Scourge of Scavengers has been accepted to RPG DIRECT!
Look at him go! He just GRADUATED!!!
it's fake by the way, he would rather kill himself instead
Regarding the Discord Ban in Russia situation.
I have taken a turn in tweaking everything I made up until this very moment! (This has to be the first ever legitemate devlog for this lol)
The header art is present by @hooded-the-original by the way!!!
Happy New Year everyone!!!
A sudden song I made!