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@NotDragonGirl Did an Amazing drawing of my character #Giot!! (Link in Article)
You should go follow her for fantastic art like the one of Giot!! [sneak peaks pictures]
A warm Summer & Lina in a Winter Dress ALL PICTURES!!
Cheek the Article to get to the Separate versions
Well then, It is/was my birthday (2Janurary). It took way to long to get this silly drawing done but here it is.
A warm Summer & Lina in a Winter Dress BACKGROUNDS!!
Cheek the Article to get to the Finished versions
Surprisingly well done Bunny doodle I made
which funnily enough confirms that I have a ArtBlock
Because I can't draw on PC correctly but I seem to be okay drawing on paper
Gonna Get Some Quests Done!!
FunFact: I drew this in paint with the left hand
I don't even think it turned out that bad lul
Sorry@KiraTodorova99 and everyone else who been waiting to see the last part of A warm Summer & Lina in a Winter Dress but I be stopping the event now for this summer (I know it's no longer Summer but like that's the hole point to why I stop)
Here is HeroShooterLina for #ArtWeeklies
Of course they a Pyro lul also the costume is based of PyroLina mix with a Bat
sadly I can already see that the Animation has that weird effect on it again...
Oh and sorry if it's to fast ^^"
A warm Summer & Lina in a Winter Dress
Next up @JadexRose who's worried about my save being because of the heat even so the heat doesn't seem to bother Lina at all.