Game Community
The LinaWorker Community
60 Members

Comments (2)

What do you think?

A Q&A?

Link's to Q&A's

The Lina's Q&A

QueenDom Main Cast Q&A [excluding Friends]

My Dearest OC's Q&A [your here]

Some of My OC's Q&A

More Q&A?

I been drawing of doing Q&A's and the way I sorted it up now made me have the idea putting them all into one GamePage be the correct thing to do to keep it all clean and in order. Even if this order be hella messy in here ^^" eh I hope it's gonna be fun anyway's

Page Rules:

  1. Don't ask Character based Questions outside of the link above Q&A's

  2. Don't ask Q&A GamePage related questions in the linked above Q&A's
    you have the GamePage shouts for that

  3. Asking about forgotten characters is fine

  4. Making FanArt of my Characters is encouraged

  5. Asking about Q&A Ideas is okay

  6. No NSFW unless it stated as okay

  7. Be Kind

Rule's can be Changed, Added or Removed in the future but whatever stands there as to be followed

#LinaWorker #OCs #OriginalCharacters #QandA #QuestionsAndAnswers

I marked almost all Maturity stuff because I have no idea what can and can't happen in those Q&A's

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Brief Nudity
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling

If I knew I was able to draw easily right now I would have started and Q&A like it was planned but since I got some trouble drawing right now I don't think I can do that since I don't wanna do a text Q&A.

what would you do in this situation?

Well then, It is/was my birthday (2Janurary). It took way to long to get this silly drawing done but here it is.

soooo I never posted this lul... so here


A warm Summer & Lina in a Winter Dress ALL PICTURES!!

Cheek the Article to get to the Separate versions

A warm Summer & Lina in a Winter Dress BACKGROUNDS!!

Cheek the Article to get to the Finished versions