Sorry for the silence here but I have some news for you all ;)
I have been working on a new project.
The Soul Snatchers
Trailer and Demo coming 3rd of October
For more updates follow https://twitter.com/IbyGames
Next up
They call it Sergio
I'm proud to announce that my friend Shady Series will be making character portraits for the extras menu!
Cosmo isn't the only one...
The Soul Snatchers releases in just 3 days! It will be released here and over on Itch.io at https://ibygames.itch.io/the-soul-snatchers I hope you all enjoy the game on it's release, I've put alot of effort into it!
Trailer releases 3rd of October... Follow my Twitter account for more updates: https://twitter.com/IbyGames
Closer look at the "Iby" animatronic!
Alot more teasers get posted on my Twitter account, so make sure you follow there aswell!
My friend https://twitter.com/MG22311 has uploaded the OST for my Indie Game onto his channel! Go check it out and show some support! Try out the Demo! https://gamejolt.com/games/soulsnatchers/651247 Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZiO__wnBB_EK8jmZuMlau8rWfG5u…
Wanna join my Discord? https://discord.gg/wPCWgMP
THE FULL GAME RELEASES! Thank you for everyone who helped out in the development of this game, it has finally released! Go check it out and leave a rating, thanks!