They call it Sergio
Next up
I'm proud to announce that my friend Shady Series will be making character portraits for the extras menu!
Wanna join my Discord? https://discord.gg/wPCWgMP
THE FULL GAME RELEASES! Thank you for everyone who helped out in the development of this game, it has finally released! Go check it out and leave a rating, thanks!
Trailer releases 3rd of October... Follow my Twitter account for more updates: https://twitter.com/IbyGames
Closer look at the "Iby" animatronic!
Cosmo isn't the only one...
My friend https://twitter.com/MG22311 has uploaded the OST for my Indie Game onto his channel! Go check it out and show some support! Try out the Demo! https://gamejolt.com/games/soulsnatchers/651247 Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZiO__wnBB_EK8jmZuMlau8rWfG5u…
Alot more teasers get posted on my Twitter account, so make sure you follow there aswell!
The Soul Snatchers releases in just 3 days! It will be released here and over on Itch.io at https://ibygames.itch.io/the-soul-snatchers I hope you all enjoy the game on it's release, I've put alot of effort into it!
Sorry for the silence here but I have some news for you all ;) I have been working on a new project. The Soul Snatchers Trailer and Demo coming 3rd of October For more updates follow https://twitter.com/IbyGames