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Impossible Quiz fans out here? It's been 15 years... Can you STILL remember? You still remember it? Hope so... :)
I got nothing else to do, so I made this random meme template thing. (Guess the reference if you can!) What do you guys think? Lemme know in the comments below! Feel free to use it any meme you want, just credit me! ^^
Sneaky sneaky...
(The LORE update coming soon!)
HI HI HI back from the dead!! And good news? A BRAND NEW RENDER FOR YOU ALL TO ENJOY!
(I'm back guys, sorry for the EXTREMELY LONG wait, this is my only time for me to continue making games for now, since Im also doing stuff in DeviantArt. Dont worry, Ill try my best to keep you guys updated here, I promise!)
Cold Memories | The Fazbear Facility - Teaser
Behold, the official Blabbot Lance logo intro for my own created games!
The perfect loop doesn't exi-
(Also guys, the game is done now, and just needs some beta testing tomorrow, so who knows, I might be releasing tomorrow night! :D)
Hey guys! Good news! Taste is gonna be playing the quiz tomorrow at Sunday, 9 PM EST / 5 PM PST!
Stay tuned, and I will be there for a couple hours! (So that I can help Taste get through the hard questions ofc lol)
Devlog 1 - Now we're really cooking!
Do I notice some differences here? Don't mind the Sunflower icon at the top-right, I'm pretty sure its nothing :)