It is with a heavy heart, that I announce development for the Twisted Shadows Reboot may be halted indefinitely. After a long time of not developing due to choices I made, all of which I take responsibility for, and a computer reset wherein I completely forgot to backup the games project files, which I also take responsibility for, I downloaded some software to restore the files I had lost, I did this immediately after the reset was complete as I remembered the files after it was done.
I successfully restored the files and had every intention of coming back to continue development on the game, which is exactly what I did about an hour ago. After downloading Unity once more, I loaded up the project only to realize that the now much newer version of unity, no longer supported a vast majority of the project’s files and many of the prefabs no longer worked. I had been working on the game for quite a while and skipped all the newer Unity versions, preferring to only update it when the development was complete, which obviously caused problems when I moved to a much newer version all at once.

Too be honest I am not sure what I am going to do with the project. I am rather upset that a lot of the experimental work I had put into it (I tried a lot of new lighting techniques and methods of coding), will now likely not come into proper fruition, I just felt obliged to inform anyone of the current situation, I will provide updates as they arrive, assuming they do.
Thanks for your time.