List of games (currently) that will be at the Direct:
Five Nights at Sonic's 3 Reimagined Doom
Five Nights at Wario's 2 Doom (ROBLOX)
Quicky Super: The Metal Games (Webseries)
Five Nights at Miku's
Quicky Super Collection
Five Nights at Miku's 2
Five Nights at Wario's 3 Doom (ROBLOX)
Kwinto Unleashed (ROBLOX)
Sosina Starlight
Sonic Copy Chaos (by @team-shiranai
, Guest Game)
Five Nights at Sillybee's (by @BeetuberGaming
, Guest Game)
Five Nights at Sonic's Reimagined DOOM Port (by @Laggers93
, Semi-Guest Game)
And many more..