Soudy Adventure Crystallized

2 months ago

Soudy Adventure Crystallized - = 45%


Hi guys!

Today I am going to give you information about the progress of SAC-

in short, we are on the right track, everything is going smoothly

and the truth is that I feel very happy

I've made a lot of progress, and I'm getting closer and closer to finish the first demo of this game!

There are many things that are 100% ready... as well as others that are not, for example:

*In the things that are ready, there are:

-The music:

I thank again for the eightieth time to my friend @TerKeno for helping me in the music section (fun fact, I made the music for the config menu, and there are 5 versions of it).

-The Art:

the art is mostly ready, there are things I have to improve, and fix some details, but hey. It's almost ready

-Sound effect:

the sound effects are ready, although some are still missing, but those I do in 10 minutes or more.

-Programming and code:

things like menus, transitions between rooms, certain checks and important game mechanics are ready, there are "certain" things to fix, but the code 90% of the time works

while the other 10%... explodes :D

also, I recently finished perfecting the code for the Textboxes and the NPCs

-maybe I'm forgetting something:

I'm sure I'm forgetting something...

now look at these images:

(GUI test's)


*and what is not ready:

-some things are missing to be programmed.

-fix things and organize the project, comment code and fix things.

-make improvements in some things, like the credit's menu.

-do the promotional artwork (this has to do with the "SMOL ANNOUNCEMENT)

-make the Backgrounds for the levels that will be in the demo (this has to do with the "SMOL ANNOUNCEMENT")

-make the sprites and program the level objects (springs, destructible boxes, coins, checkpoints, goals, ect)

-Finish configuring the life system.

-Get a voice for Soudy for the Demo Trailer

-I'm sure I forgot something -I don't have the list of things at hand.

And now...


I'm going to need some help on certain things:

for example:

-the promotional art:

I can do it without any problem, but... I'd like someone else to do it, mostly to give another style to the art OUTSIDE the game (and because I'm a bit lazy)

-the art for the backgrounds of the levels for the demo:

How do I say this... I don't know how to make good backgrounds....

So... I would like some help

in short, about THE SMOL ANNOUNCEMENT!

I want some help with:

Promotional art and art for backgrounds.

If you feel you can help, let me know, I'll gladly listen to you.

if you want to help with the promo art, I'm going to give you a VERY important requirement... your drawing style must be cute... nothing else xd

and I think that's all, I also want to ask for help with the code, but... I think it's not the right time yet


See you later, bye!


aca voy a decir algo en español para dar algo de variedad a esta publicacion, y es:


me da risa como mi forma de publicar a cambiado

literal ya casi no pongo nada en español porque me da flojera, y porque la verdad ver MUCHAS letras en una publicacion aleja a la gente



Next up

Does anyone know how to make Super Mario 64 Style 3D models?

Soudy Adventure Crystallized - Demo: 50%

Inayah - Life After Gods is OUT NOW on Steam!

Celebrate the game's release by completing our quests!

You can play the demo or get the full game at

CARROT: 2024-12-14

Happy #WIPWednesday! Are you working on a game? Making some art? Practicing a song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!

soudy megalovania.mp4

Hello my Hexamites!

I want to tell you that my hand is feeling better

Great news! 📢 @Aya_Games has joined Game Jolt!

They're the indie studio behind the haunting & atmospheric horror platformer Ayasa: Shadows of Silence.

Follow the development of Ayasa: Shadows of Silence at