2 years ago

Special 20k Likes :v


Pic 1:

@lachlanwang (Killer!Sans)

@Hyper_Dust_Sans (HyperDust!Sans)

Pic 2:

@MGAndrea2279 (MG!Sans)

Pic 3:

@Chris76Ian (Quote)

@Sigundul8 (Riverman)

Pic 4:

@TheDrawGamer (Drawgamer)

Pic 5:

@Battle_X286 (SansX)

@Yahahahaha-Hayuk (DustDust! Sans)

Pic 6:

@-_JustARizk_- (Dragoat Rizk)

@Ryusei-Crosstar (Crosstar)

Pic 7:

@FathiGamingz (Element!Sans)

@EpicWist (Wist!Sans)

Pic 8:

@KeonReed (Core!Sans)

Pic 9:

@BerrorB (Error!Sans)

Pic 10:

@Dons (Last Breath Sans)

@randy225HD (Randy Sans?)

Pic 11:

@chara-dremmurr-_forletaco (Storyshift! Chara)

@freshsansbroski_forletaco (Fresh!Sans)

@banans_snas_forletaco (Lust!Sans) [I know he aren't lust sans again, I just likes his style when he be lust :v]

Pic 12:

@-Albi_Dreemurr1983- (Frisk)

@AlbinoFR3_ (Papyrus)

Pic 13:

@SogukAlevinSemenderi (Soguk) [Left]

@SevenTStorm (Seven) [Middle]

@nyeh16 (Lyar) [Right]

Pic 14:

@Battle_X286 (SansX)

@Emmalar (Emma)

Well, I'm sorry if I make them without their permission, and sorry if I'm bad at art, misacurrated OC, and someone if I'm forget to draw it.

Well, thanks for them.


Thanks Everyone for 20k Likes, 436 followers.



Next up

Princess Rolite

(Younger age of Chara's Mother)

Working in Omega Timeline be like:

A Scholars...?


It seem today is our fawn friend's birthday. I like him that much. @FathiGamingz ! Sent @EpicWist a Gift now!

Also, Happy Birthday, @EpicWist !

Dreamtale One


Sans and Gaster Blaster

IT'S MONDAY!!!!!!!!

Welp, back to school :'v


Happy independence day of 17 August Indonesian!

Memes at Night :v

(Or Evening?)