My birthday is really soon….so as a result I’m going to work over time and make sure I finish a lot more of this game and post it sometime on my birthday as a thanks for everyone who’s followed this game ;w;
One such new thing is if you get close to SPECIFIC enemies they will notice you and RUN AT YOU in an aggro state which may affect their stats >;) it’s a secret heh heh heh
And I’ll add more enemies and a new area to find with a mini boss, that HAS to be defeated before you can progress :P
Also teleport crystals will abort the battle you’re in but won’t transport you anywhere…Idk why yet I’m working on that. But they SHOULD just transport you to the 1st town’s teleport gate
Side request:
If you find the field boss…
Please, don’t try and fight him……It’s over-powered for the area it’s in ;;^;;
Try getting to level oooooh say…..20 then give it a shot (^w^)
Thanks! Hope to make something fun!
(PS: My is Birthday——12/16 ;w;)