Greetings fellow Arcship Commanders!
During last multiplayer session we had a real blast talking and playing with you guys during our Steam Group event. Our next session will be a Multiplayer Steam Group Party on Thursday (3 Sept) 20:00 - 22:00 CET!
Join the Batle - Start Competing!

You’ll get a chance to see how you and your custom decks rank up against other players, as we will be monitoring and posting the results afterwards. Also, we too will be bringing our most competitive decks! So, think of it as a little tournament while we discuss the game, gather feedback and welcome any suggestions you might have :)
Up for grabs is the Steam title ‘Player of the Week’ for the player who earns the most wins during the session. Your battle to become the Supreme Arcship Commander begins thursday evening! Join our budding Steam Group for more info and discussions.
See you there!