Visual Improvements:
Added axial tilt and rotation values to all planets/moons/stations
All planets/moons/stars are at least 25% larger
Homing projectiles that lose their target will no longer fly off at weird angles
Flak explosions shake the camera slightly
Quality Of Life Improvements:
You can now sell ships as well as buy them at the shipyard
All ships in your fleet, plus any docked at the current station will be available to be sold
You can now sell equipped weapons, leaving the slot empty if you desire
Mission Log window (hotkey P) has been reworked
You can abort missions from the log window (if the mission is able to be aborted, not all are)
You can click ‘view on map’ to open the map to the destination system
The inventory panel has been improved
You can now filter your search results based on distance, faction, and whether the destination system is hostile to you
Clicking ‘mark destination on map’ in the inventory search panel now opens the map to the specified system
Added ‘Current Objectives’ tracker to main HUD
The objectives are clickable, and will open the mission log to the selected mission
From there you can read the mission text, abort the mission, or view the destination on the map
Radar now displays uninhabitable planets as empty circles
Radar now displays hostile planets in red
Radar can now be zoomed
Radar can now hide or show orbit lines in-game
Put some sweet tooltips on the radar buttons
Mission dialog window now pauses the game when it appears, and hides other UI elements
Added system boundary - will pop up hints to jump if you fly too far away from system center
Added a third tutorial mission to show players space stations
Added the ‘can abort’ flag to missions
You can now abort the ‘Join the Federation’ mission, in the event that you find it’s a bit much for you
Moved hint panel to center above radar, so it can’t conflict if the current objectives window gets ridiculously long
Split the second intro mission into two objectives
Added tooltips to the trade interface to teach you about shift clicking
When mission specific enemies spawn (escort missions, dignitary missions) they send you a message letting you know who they are and why they’re attacking you. Aborting the mission will also cause these attackers to disengage
When you click ‘View On Map’ in the mission BBS, the map now centers on the destination system
Added description to the Manta
Fixed some text issues in the tutorial missions
Fixed an issue that could cause quest target markers not to spawn or not to despawn
Fixed orbit overlap in the Fornacis system
Fixed some UI consistency issues in the outfitter
Fixed an issue that could cause tooltips to persist when they ought not to
Fixed a bug that would prevent you from looting cargo (and other ships as well)
Fixed an issue that could cause system missions to get regenerated unnecessarily
Fixed an issue that could cause quest markers not to show up in-system occasionally
Fixed a text issue in INTR002
Fixed an issue that could cause quest targets to not be removed on mission completion
Fixed several text issues in side missions
Fixed an issue with guided weapons that allowed you to target ships of the same faction as you (and resulted in your own ship being hit by the projectile as soon as it was fired)
Fixed an issue in tab-targeting that could cause it to break
Fixed an issue that would cause planet and star radar blips to not spawn occasionally
Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause a ‘mirror blip’, where a second radar blip would spawn offset from the player, but otherwise mimic their movements
Fixed an issue with negative scale on the kestrel’s collision
Fixed an issue with ship sensors that could cause the sensors to ping before the sensor transform map was populated
Fixed an issue with moons that pushed them too far down in the star system
Fixed an issue with star light placement that was making the lighting angle inconsistent per starsystem
Fixed a potential nullref when setting fleet ship status
Fixed an issue with homing projectiles
The map panel will no longer preserve your FTL route or a partial FTL route (allowing you to jump much further than normally allowed, potentially) after death/returning to main menu
Fixed an issue that caused certain map features to not work correctly the first time the map was opened
Fixed an issue in the radar that could cause the UI state to break after returning to main menu
Fixed an issue that could cause the options screen in-game to be unclosable
Fixed an issue with the keypress hint system that could cause it to break if you returned to the main menu
Fixed an issue in the mission system that would incorrectly flag missions completed by other pilot profiles in the same play session as complete on new pilot files