Still a lot to do but progress is being made on Labyrinth-2!
Next up
The snow level can be found off the beaten path in #AlienLifeLab
#SciFi #Adventure #shooter #fps #puzzle #action #futuristic #retro #aliens #robots #horror #comedy
I'd like to study where the fun is on this #prototype before continuing it.
I think it has style but it is lacking an interesting twist to make it something unique/fresh.
Remade the game manual for Alien Life Lab!
Labyrinth-2 is based on M. C. Escher's "Relativity". L-2 is a rotating labyrinth with something sinister lurking beneath. Explore it for yourself: https://gamejolt.com/games/Whereisjoann/375659 Good luck travelers. Devy_
Released my latest simple prototype,
"Other World / Jim and the Raptors"
-THE ENTRANCE HALL- After searching a few corners and paths , Garrett turned to see a small blue-cloaked person standing on a writing desk before him. She had long pointy ears and held a curved blade in each hand. "Who the hell are you?" she asked.
You found a secret! 🗝 The new update will include #endless #arcade mode with #leaderboards!
Why is this game $3?
Some thoughts on marketing...
Designed a shirt for an upcoming convention @ #Coastcon42 http://www.coastcon.org/ If you like it, you can get one too! Just click here: https://teespring.com/shop/where-is-joann-tee?tsmac=recently_vie… Devy_