Sorry for the long inactivity. Took a break for a bit to handle a few things that just happened in my life… Then there’s school which just started up so that’s another adjustment…
Anyway! I thought I’d make this devlog to ensure you guys that I am still working hard on this game! I’ve been learning a heck of a lot more about Blender via the Blender Discord (They’re awesome if you use Blender for any reason! and discovered that this whole time I’ve been animating wrong! So I learned about Inverse Kinematics (IK) and how the gun should control the hands and not the other way around. So I finally got to implement it with the help of Yusuf from the Blender Discord who’s also learning animation. However, with this new rig it will make the older guns look absolutely cringy, so expect to not see them for at least two builds.
However! I do have a basic plan for build #004. Here’s what to expect:
Better and more sleek looking animations
A SCAR-L and a M1911
A basic prototype map that I’ll be sticking to until maybe an Alpha release
A… whoops! The rest is secret! ;)
Little comparison of the two animation styles:
The old one:
The new one:
Polystrike ‘em hard!