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The game has an ending! It's still got ways to go until release, but we're getting closer and closer by the day. I've had my very own little speedrun and it took me 25 minutes to finish.
I've decided to finally release the game. Hooray!
Workin' on it..
Slowly working on the game. Had another playtest today! The game is pretty fun! Just that it lacks a lot of very needed polish.
Playtested the game with friends. It was hilarious, but the game is currently very janky so I have to do some bug fixing before i can release the game. We're getting pretty close!
Slowly getting there.
working on a new update, it's a bit harder because of the server issues, but i'm slowly making more progress here's a few screenshots and a trailer vid i share my progress and updates on my discord
yo, new update's out. check out the new lobby system and escort mode
(no clue if any of it works or not but hopefully it does lol)
Progress still ensues. Game now has an end and very limited co-op.
Still working on the essentials. Welcome to the ????! Improved the movement system with procedural camera sway, I'll add in a feature to turn it off if the player is prone to motion sickness.