Hello everyone!
I’ve just thrown my second game live here on GameJolt: Subarashï. It’s a puzzle platformer. This game was the winner of the Game Maker Contest 38 (which had an amazing number of three games entered in total.) In case you where wondering, Subarashï means ‘amazing’ in Japanese*.
Since this game already is some time around, this is no new game, like Mathventure. I patched the game for GameJolt support in the hope that more people would play the game.
For those interested, here are the patch notes.
GameJolt support added to this game. You can log in on the title screen (it’ll automatically prompt you when you get there).
There’s a button on the level select screen where you can quickly check up which trophies you’ve already got. It will most likely work with every player, but please note me when it doesn’t.
Delete save will now also log the player out.
Don’t have any GameJolt? You can still play the game without it, but tokens and trophies won’t be available.
Animation when lava becomes sand.
Standard block color more transparent.
Difficulty tuning:
Level 11 now has only three explosions instead of four.
Level 20 had one purple crystal added.
Feedback is still welcome. Please note that this game is now mainly finished and will most likely only be patched when a mayor bug is discovered.
Thanks for playing! Come again!
*According to Google Translate. :)
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