Comments (5)
Nice :)
Defiantly one of my top 5 games.
5/5 My friend!
It's a clever puzzler, hilarious in certain cases, with a very very appropriate soundtrack. It lacks on graphics, that's for sure, but I don't care! The game's nice ;)
Game Soundtrack
Eastern Thought - Level Music / Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
The winner of the Annual Dutch Game Maker Contest #38 (which had more jury members than games entered)!
Subarashï is a puzzle platformer where you play a ninja on a quest to collect crystals in an old cave. He meets a fairy there, which allows him the power to create explosions. You move the ninja with the arrow keys (or WASD, ZQSD) while you can select the location for the explosion with the mouse. This creates a puzzle game unique in it's kind.
"I think this is a really cool game. Level structure and leveldesign is very good and the idea is also very original (never seen something like this before). There are a few fun puzzles where I really had to think for a while and often I don't just had to blow a way through the blocks, but I had to think how the terrain would react on my explosion." - Kah, Dutch Game Maker Community
The game contains 20 normal levels, 5 bonus levels (accessable when the game is beaten), two pieces of music, and humourous dialog between the ninja and the fairy. Most people beat the game in 45 minutes.
Now also contains trophies! Seriously, now you finally have a reason to play the bonus levels. There are now also achievement tokens hidden in levels, collecting them rewards you with an trophy. In case you didn't wanted to count: you can collect 165 points if you get all the trophies.
(C) Amazingcookie, exept music and fonts
Comical Shenanigans