and it still happening!
just woke up. guille brought the coffee to bed
i’ll be here the next 11 hours working in my game and im extremely happy about it.
si estás leyendo ésto significa que estás vivo y que sabes leer
Next up
cave song The cave puzzle is almost done ;) And here is the song:… Bleep bleep bleep
introscreen i just can’t concentrate when ‘the shining’ is on tv 8 days left ! aiiieeee
hola I found the ‘add news article’ button, and im very proud of it. here is some stuff from the game thats it ! gotta go !
pterodactylus sprites pick up this, leave it there, now take this there, and now i can move this, AND HERE IS THE TURTLE!!! 4 days and 6 hours to the deadline of #pointclickjam :F
ghost sprites yes, also ghosts in this stupid game
herp albert and, of course, i left the final puzzle and cutscene for this last 24 hours. guille gracias por la tarta de espinaca.
same dinos, many sizes look at the little ones… AAAWWW
Bandana Dee the Dream Friend