Boiboi will be split into two parts.. one containing the first three worlds, and the second part having the last one. I'm doing this because I don't think i'll be able to finish the project by next month, like I wanted to. This way, y'all can get 75% of the game in august, and the last world will be released soon after that, and that's a promise.
I've been working on this project for over a year now, and i'm tired, and I have plenty of stuff to finish, that isn't even in world four. The first and third bosses haven't been finished yet, there's a enemy I need to implement into the game that I haven't done yet, and the games code is terrible, so there's probably gonna be alot of bugs i'll have to fix and stuff.
so, Part one (basically the demo) will be released in august, and the rest will be released a month or two after that.
Anyway, that's all I have to say. Next time I post, the demo will be out, so look out for that.