What's new:
-Security and Gold Endo now have their own Overworld render.
-Added FNaS Sonic in Extras. (Complete Crushing mode to unlock him)
-Added a fade out in Loading screen.
-Disabled "Use Fine Collision" while hovering Chips/Bytes.
-Nerfed the percentage of Enemy's Esc Key ability.
-Replaced Unused content with "In the Darkness" chapters at Extras.
-Added TCE Logo at the start of the game. (In case someone dares to reupload the fangame.)
What's fixed:
-Fixed player attack bugs:
Bash Jam and Party favors not attacking bug.
Bash Jam attacking after strength boost wears off bug.
Bytes' projectiles not disappearing after the Battle bug.
-Fixed Boat Freddy in Funtime Funhouse bug.
-Fixed the music fade out while triggering In the Darkness cutscene.
That's all for now. If you found any bugs in the latest build, comment.
See you on the flipside!