Super FNaF RPG Remake
10 months ago

Super FNaF RPG Remake - Patch build 1.1.2. is out!

What's new:

-Security and Gold Endo now have their own Overworld render.

-Added FNaS Sonic in Extras. (Complete Crushing mode to unlock him)

-Added a fade out in Loading screen.

-Disabled "Use Fine Collision" while hovering Chips/Bytes.

-Nerfed the percentage of Enemy's Esc Key ability.

-Replaced Unused content with "In the Darkness" chapters at Extras.

-Added TCE Logo at the start of the game. (In case someone dares to reupload the fangame.)

What's fixed:

-Fixed player attack bugs:

  • Bash Jam and Party favors not attacking bug.

  • Bash Jam attacking after strength boost wears off bug.

  • Bytes' projectiles not disappearing after the Battle bug.

-Fixed Boat Freddy in Funtime Funhouse bug.

-Fixed the music fade out while triggering In the Darkness cutscene.

That's all for now. If you found any bugs in the latest build, comment.

See you on the flipside!



Next up

Secrets of the Studio 1.1.0. - Time for piano lessons (Credits in the description)

Super FNaF RPG Remake - A mysterious message

Secrets of the Studio 1.1.0. - Survive the lockdown! (Credits in article)

Into the Lockjaw

FNaF World Update 3 (Reimagined) - Say hello to 2 new team members!


While you wait for the Remake to be completely finished (maybe somewhere in late 2023), have some new screenshots.

Secrets of the Studio 1.1.0 - Is that... Me?

FRIEDRICH FACT: If you earned any title screen stars in the DEMO, they'll be carried over to the full version! This doesn't affect progression, it's just something for the completionists to show off (plus you get a trophy if you import all three!)

Secrets of the Studio - Patch build 1.0.6. build is LIVE, really.

Thanks to @TylertheTyrrific for the reminder.