Super Sexy Sword Swallowing Skirmish
11 years ago

Super Sexy Sword Swallowing Skirmish Update!

Game Update!

Added in the new super amazing soundtrack by my good friend DEC3MBER, who I worked with on ContraCANDY. For that project I asked for something subtle for the airport. This is definitely not the case with SSSSS.

I’ve also experimented by changing the environment to a circus with flashing lights and have also added the option of colour flashingness for the text in the game for enhanced insanity.

The game also has a secret ending and the addition of confetti when you decapitate an opponent. There will be sound effects in the next week of the two of them choking whilst holding the swords in their mouths, sword impact noises and other stuff. Stay tuned!

Give the new build a try here




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SSSSS Update!

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