What is Survival Week?
Survival Week is a Bi-Weekly EVENT, hosted Every Other Monday, found in the TMC menu under the “>>>> EVENT <<<< ” area. Survival Week is an adaptation using the Survival Mode, spanning the entire week, where SFO players fight through 80 pre-loaded battles including “Mid-Boss” battles at the end of every wave. A wave consists of 10 battles of A.I controlled characters, varying in difficulty every 10 waves.
Mid-Boss battles also vary in difficulty, but also have various “Buffs” including strength, size etc..
Every wave, or 10 matches completed your progress will be tracked, you MUST complete at least 10 matches for any progress to be tracked.
Also, there is a REST period at the end of each wave, it is suggested you take that time to “Re-up” on your energy drinks and Doritos.. you’ll need it for the next wave
How to WIN Survival Week?
The answer to that question is easy. Button Mash.
For the duration of the week, April 17th - 22nd or Monday to Saturday, players will mash their keyboards into dust, finishing Survival Mode as many times as possible .. or die trying.
At the end of the week, names will be tallied, and prizes will be issued based off of how many times a players name has been entered into the progress tracker. The further you make it into Survival Mode, the better the reward.
Remember, you need to finish at least ONE (1) wave to have your progress tracked for the lowest tier reward.
What are our rewards?
Top entry for completing Survival Mode
” Alpha Survivor ” in-game title
Any 5 colors from this list - Character Color List (Non-staff colors)
” Alpha Survivor forum title
Completing Survival Mode
” Alpha-Beta Survivor ” in-game title
Any 2 colors from this list - Character Color List (Non-staff colors)
Top entry for reaching the highest wave in Survival Mode
” Beta-Omega Survivor ” in-game title
Any 3 colors from this list - Character Color List (Non-staff colors)
Consolation Prize
” Button Masher ” in-game title
How to play Survival Mode?
From the main SFO Main Menu, click on TMC and then go here..