Woohoo!! First Devlog! I'm still working out how I want them to go, so the format may change.
We have the base overworld sprites finished for every main character, with extra sprites/costumes for some. Since last post, Chara's walk cycles have been completely sprited and Toriel, Temmie, Papyrus, and Ragel have been redesigned (more on that later).
Concept art has begun! Redesigns for the Temmies and the Annoying Dog in his new role have been made.
Musically, the Marshes (Ruins replacement) have mostly been planned out and I have begun getting an idea of the motifs each song will use. We currently do not have a musician.
Programming has next to no progress.
Writing has been at a general standstill, as @CodeKraftHK has been busy spriting. Currently, the general story, a basic idea of each route, backstory, some character profiles, and area swaps are written.
Team applications are still open!
I really won't be able to do this without a team given my schedule, so applications are open in my Discord DM: charles54. I am currently looking for... (Check our Game page for avaliable spots ) (Google Form)
Overworld spriters(terrain, characters, animators)Battle spritersMusiciansGodot programmersWriters
Here are some unused sprites as a treat! You don't need to credit anyone

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