Second Devlog! Really glad to have this project up and moving
In case you missed the previous couple of posts, since the last devlog, we have changed our game engine to Unity. However, since we currently only have one programmer, if enough programmers for another engine apply (and the engine is up to our standards) then we may change in the future.
To help streamline the development of this project, a list of tasks required to complete the demo (Ruins area) was created.
Character and backstory writing has mostly been focused on the Marshes, the first large in-game area.
For various reasons, two swaps have been redone:
Napstablook <> Dummy
,Mad Dummy <> Mettaton
Drastic rewriting of key characters has been made
The Marshes continues to be developed
Various sprites have been updated to fit the story or new designs.
Flowey overworld sprite updates, battle sprite revisions
Some overworld sprites for Temmies have been updated
Toriel's overworld sprite has been revised and updated various times
Asgore's overworld and battle sprites have been completely redone to fit the final design (more on him later)
Placeholder sprites for Napstablook and the Dummy have been made in accordance with their new positions in the story, with design updates expected
Continual planning and revision for various tracks has been done in preparation for when a musician joins the team.
Gradual progress is being made on the game's engine.
Shout out!
I wanted to take this time to give a quick shoutout to anothermedian, a musician who makes awesome stuff! Their work has greatly inspired this project
obligatory sprites
As mentioned previously, Asgore has gone through quite a few revisions. He could still use some tweaks, so we won't show his final designs yet, but you can probably get a pretty good idea for them with all our unused sprites:
(the discord server saw them all before you!)
Our first 5 Asgore designs, plus attempts to get his head to look right.

Some unrelated Asgore sprites I made a while back during development that heavily influenced his new design.

Asgore's final design iterations. We ultimately settled on a few sprites not shown here

And finally, our base Asgore sprite that we settled on during this whole process. I found Toby's sprite had lots of posture problems, so we got to this point.

Note that all sprites shown above are free to use. No credit is required, but state that the sprites are not your own.
And that's it for this devlog! Thank you guys for following this little game, it means so much