1 month ago

Talking about the Jolly 4 demo


The menu that it shows us and what will be the menu for the final game looks good compared to the other installments that have moving images and that shows us a little of what we will see in the game.

But well, the content that the demo has is only one night and the custom night and also a guide to all the animatronics so that you know how to avoid them since since there are no calls we will not know how to avoid them

Custom Night




On the only night that the game has you can play what would be a small section in Click a point of how our movement through the game would be


What is not known is that the animatronics were going to appear in this section as enemies, something like in Jolly 3 Chapter 2, but I think so and there is also something that seemed curious to me and it would be when we arrived in the elevator.


More specific in this part


When we select to go to the office it shows us that there are more floors apart from the lobby and the office but as it is a demo they are blocked but it is more than certain that those will be sections that we will complete after the main nights something like Jolly 3


We are also shown that the office will be a combination of Fnaf 1 on the side of the doors Fnaf 4 on the side that we have to see the 2 hallways that we have available there, everything is too different from the offices of the entire saga that simply They are copies of other offices instead of being something original. An example would be the Jolly1 office, which was literally the FNaF 3 office, only in reverse.


One thing I wanted to record the office but unfortunately I couldn't play the recording so I used it is the video that made a gameplay of the office more with the content that it has


The mechanics of the characters are somewhat complex but they are the typical mechanics that any Fnaf such as closing the door, closing the ducts, repairing systems but I am not complaining since even though it does not innovate anything, that is simply the strong point of the game because they are complex and knowing that there are 10 characters it can simply become complicated if you don't know how to handle them


Especially with the character of Tal, the good time version of Antonelle, who is a kind of almagam of all the mechanics, only more annoying than all of them together.


One of the things I liked about the game is that we are going to have the animatronics from Jolly 1 back, only a Withered version only called decayed, it seems like they wanted to close the saga with the animatronics that started it all and but what else I love that they redesigned them comparing their previous designs


The reason why they will be back is not known but it is more than likely that it is for story reasons but we will know that until Jolly 4 returns, which is more than obvious that it will not be soon.

The demo simply has no more, it's just one night and the custom night everything that was done in the development of Jolly 4 that will surely be more but we will see that when they continue the development but this time in the hands of IvanG which, as I say, will not be soon well while I say goodbye bye



Next up

We have the first trailer for FNaF Secret of the Mimic that was released during the PlayStation State of Play event

Virus J is a great game, highly recommended, a deep dark raw story, but with incredible terror and an incredible visual aesthetic, it is perfect, I recommend playing it and continuing to wait for the next chapters.


Today I will give my opinion of the FNaF movie, we will see if 8 years were worth it.


Someone was able to hack the FNaF Security Breach DLC? :v XD

Rat Race Production Update

Officially El Ultimo Sigh 2 will come out this October 31 of this year, although the creator says that there is a probability that it will come out before, but even so, they take this date as fixed.


Jolly 4 Is it canceled or paused?


This is the end of FNAF Plus

This is a day of mourning that FNaF Plus has been removed from Steam on my wishlist.

PD:The game is not canceled yet, I'm just saying something that for me is unfortunate and terrible.