1 month ago

Jolly 4
Is it canceled or paused?

It's been 3 days I think since Ivan announced the cancellation of Jolly 4 and many are asking the question if it's Canceled or not. It's just paused or what the fuck?


Well, this post is intended to resolve your doubt, even though I have nothing to do with this, it is more to remove that doubt that the community has, but oh well.


The answer is said by Ivan himself in the post he published a few days ago, more specifically in this part.


So the game is really somewhere between canceled and paused.

So the only thing we can do is wait, maybe at some point this year or as time goes by, Ivan will upload a new post with the definitive answer to what will really happen with Jolly 4.


And more than anything it depends on Ivan's time. If he has better free time, it is likely that he will continue with the development, but if the case is the opposite, then Jolly 4 will be definitively canceled like FNaF Plus, but as I told you, it depends a lot on Ivan's time.

But that will still be determined by time. but well that's all another day I will upload the things that the Jolly 4 demo contains so I'm leaving

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Next up

Oblitus Casa 2.0 was finally released. Let's remember that its first version was somewhat mediocre in the technical section but now they have released this update we will see how they improved the entire game now we have to enjoy.

We have the first trailer for FNaF Secret of the Mimic that was released during the PlayStation State of Play event

This is the end of FNAF Plus

This is a day of mourning that FNaF Plus has been removed from Steam on my wishlist.

PD:The game is not canceled yet, I'm just saying something that for me is unfortunate and terrible.


Someone was able to hack the FNaF Security Breach DLC? :v XD

Rat Race Production Update

Officially El Ultimo Sigh 2 will come out this October 31 of this year, although the creator says that there is a probability that it will come out before, but even so, they take this date as fixed.


Today I will give my opinion of the FNaF movie, we will see if 8 years were worth it.

Bad and above all unfortunate news