Sonic Chronicles 2 Wrath of the Eggman Empire TTRPG
1 year ago

Team Dark

Shadow 20 HP, 19 PP, 8 SPD, ACC 4 EVA 14 DMG 12, ARM 10, 6 LUCK

Rouge 18 HP, 12 PP, 5 SPD, 8 ACC, 10 EVA 12 DMG ARM 7 LUCK 5

Omega 23 HP, 13 PP, 2 SPD, 10 ACC 11 EVA,11 DMG, 12 ARM, 5 LUCK



Next up

StarFox Battalion's Quickstart One Shot Campaign is in development... I'll keep you posted on where we are chapter wise currently working on the prologue. Fox puts his Rookies through training




#Joltshot I have the app right here alongside my Social Media folder

It's got to be my nearly complete Animal Crossing Amiibo figure collection it's taken me 5 years just to get this many. #MyFavouriteGamingMerch

Paper Mario fanboi here bois! Still need to get better at the art style though

Art for Paper Mario The Ztar's Curse/Curse of the Z-Stars Partners and cover

Professor Dinglehopper Von Schlemers character sheet for Sonic Chronicles 3 Dreamlands Eternal

If only Pokémon X and Y actually used the proper models like in the newer games maybe in the Remakes 🥺 We can only hope.

I'm ready to move to early access Just added Sheild and Boost Cards because they're easier to see. Use your boost and Shield on your character sheet for references If the Shapes look familiar they're from the E3 Demo of StarFox 64 they were unused.

i want to share the character peices with you all. That's not all of them i'm still making more i want at least 8

The others are you're partners

If you know? You know. Took me 50 Minutes