What users from rpgmaker.net have said…
“I’ve finished the game, and I have to say that I really enjoyed myself. I don’t always keep the games, but this one is a must.
Thanks for all your hard work.” - littlebro
“All in all, you have certainly set a standard for vx games. I can’t think of one that actually gripped me, and especially like this one did…
At any rate, I’m just saying I loved the game. I can tell it had a huge amount of work placed into it.” - demonlord5000
What users from rpgmakervx.net have said…
“Whoa. This game is amazing. I can’t recall the last time I enjoyed a game, commercial or otherwise, this much. You’ve managed to create a world that pulls the player in,
makes him identify with teh characters and feel for them. A world that feels alive with lore and history. Every time I found one of the Nayrin relics…
I really felt I was discovering bits and pieces of an ancient civilization, scattered all over the world.” - Jeffrey
If anyone wants to play arguably one of the best all around put-together RPGs available to RPG Maker VX, this is hereby on your must-do list.
“I will say that I liked the message and it was a brilliant adventure while it lasted. The plot was tight, the characters convincing and the puzzles
were the best I’ve seen aside from Alundra. If you ever manifest another spectacular game, I’ll be looking forward to it.” - tom11
“Firstly you have a great imagination and a flair for writing, your game really drew me in and was a real “key-presser” right up until the final
scenes. Your game was also very well balanced in terms of available money, EXP, etc. The inclusion of your excellent (occasionally challenging)
puzzles and mini-games help to distract the player along the way. Also quite importantly the game runs practically bug free…” - matt-tribal
“Bloody fantastic RPG. Minigames, optional quests, math puzzles. Love it all.” - vitrous
“…there’s so much that can be done, and the story and adventure just keep taking new turns and twists…It’s been a long time since I’ve played a
game that I have a hard time “setting down” after 2-3 hours, but this is doing that.” - goldenguy
“…a brilliant game, you have clearly put a lot of thought into creating the world of Ospes and especially into its characters. I definitely
appreciate the humorous dialogue too.” - matt-tribal