Seven Nights at Sonic's
4 years ago

Thank you all for 40 followers!

So, first SNAS devlog of the year, huh?

The first thing I want to do is apologize for the little at-least-a-month-long siesta. It's been a long while, and I know a demo didn't come out last year like I'd hoped. So, for what it's worth, I'm sorry for taking so long to do an update, and I thank you all for your patience.

On that note: Second of all, I'd like to inform you all that a bit of progress *was* made during the last few months, though I haven't taken any screenshots as of yet. For one thing, the desk has been redrawn, Sonic's "AI" is coming along nicely, doors are finally being implemented, along with perhaps a few others I don't recall at the moment.

I'm also gonna do a remastering of Amy's character profile picture, and as I stated on an earlier devlog, a certain red echidna may be getting a new look, so you'll hear more on those in the future!

Once again, thank you all!



Next up

We are experiencing some technical difficulties. Please standby.

The demo of SNaS is 90% complete!

New teaser.

New (and late) update log!

Work in progress, but I'm sharing a sneak peek anyways

New Room: The Kitchen!

This is where all the dishes are made!

Progress devlog #?

The demo is 75% complete!

A very rusty clone.

(I made this on the 12th but never posted it until now, so here it is!)

A sketch I did a few days ago of Black Panther.

I decided to mess with my digital art software yesterday, so here's Lord X from the Sonic.exe PC Port!