Destroy the night

6 months ago

Thank you for this @Henryxroy and I revealed new rooms of the fan game, let's see if you like it

Gracias por esto e revelado nuevas habitaciones del fan game aver si les gusta

1 comment


Next up

- The Clown | Destroy the night -

Model by: @ZackFire__night1962 Retex & Render by @Goingphantom (me)

Jack is joker

Jack el payaso

Modeler @ZackFire__night1962

Another Small Update

beta animation

Animacion beta

After 4 months, my retrospective and (way) over-analysis of the Five Nights at Treasure Island series is OUT NOW!!


New character reveal (model by THE MASTER)

Photo negative Mickey :)

Gustave the cocodrile

Gustave el cocodrilo

Modele @ZackFire__night1962