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Thank you my friends the game is in HOT tag now 🔥🔥🔥
Did some more work on game jam project
I am very optimistic about the progression of project's development, personal responsibilities are still pilling up but I was able to make tangible progress.
The weeks get harder and harder doe I was still able to do a lot of progress!
Thank you for 3000 views (。♡‿♡。),
But dont forgot that I am working on
new game that is very simillar to this game.!
Was bored so I made this lil' animation for all you who followed me trough all !
sneak peek
oy! I may find a way to decompile Stone Cage and be able to make final update that I told you I will months ago, doe that will have to wait for few day due to my house being in renovation process.
Some progress on my RPG Mania Jam project.