
2 years ago

Thanks to @Tewaleer and the rest of the Idioma Español community for featuring our game Zion on their page. Please check them out here;

Feel free to check out our Zions page;

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Are you guys being notified when i update the game's art or description? @gamejolt

Just in case, i just updated all the characters art with the style you will see within the game and tested five hours of gameplay. The game polishing continues!

Hello dudes and dudettes, it is me, the god of this world. You can call me daddy or papi if you know what I mean. Either way, I'm the god you unknowingly serve. Ain't that sad? NOT.

Check out my article for some concept art and character introductions...

Supreme Woman here. Zions trailer is up! Check it out on our game page or click on the link below.…

Supreme Woman here. Zions trailer is up! Check it out on our game page or click on the link below.

Woot! Zions development continues. Thank you for following!

Dragon Ball Super: Resurrection Game ya está disponible. Ve en busca de las esferas del dragón y haz tu deseo. Aprende técnicas de combate y transformaciones por medio de entrenamiento individual y/o maestros.

Yo! Dragon Ball Super: Resurrection Game build 2 is now available. Same game, less RAM/CPU loads. Thank you for playing!

Devlog # 2. English Version.

Last month, we shared gameplay details with our followers on the main page. Today, we've decided to show a premise of the game to the public. Next month, we'll be sharing character details! #superhero

Check out Alianza RTP’s gameplay video of Dragon Ball Super: Resurrection Game. Check out the article to find out about Alianza RTP’s RPG Maker world initiative.

Devlog # 3. Spanish Version

¡Hola a todos! Hoy compartimos detalles de los personajes de Zions a través de nuestra página principal. Visita el artículo adjunto donde Dream discute el sistema Hero Points, etc.