Requiem. An UT fangame (old game page)

7 months ago

That one random and always pissed salesman.

you literally took his prized possession.

I don't give a damn



Next up

Holy shit zoomed out this looks 10x better

I need to draw dustnuts sans again loom at the goober looks like he wants to kiss meh

hug me

There was an attempt

Holy shit guys I went back through my old art from September to November and I hate all of it

And I have stuff planned for 600

There is already a planned sequel to requiem taking place of course after the 5 chapters of the first game

The soothing light grows everbrighter.

It calls your name


I gave in to temptation and added a few more bug and arachnid details.

Note the spider mandibles on its abdomen

I am officially back on drugs