Hey all! It's time we release a new update for Smooth Slider! In this update, artwork is closer to what it'll be in
the final release. Also, we've adjusted a few things that you'll find below:
- Changed music to fit the game more - This may be changed in the future
- Added some sound effects
- Changed some artwork
- Added 1 level
- Added new textures
- Adjusted lighting on some levels
- Added a menu:
Play, Settings, Quit
- Changed colour of buttons and 'Level Complete' text
- Player goes through objects.
- Logo doesn't appear on settings launcher
- Fixed music overlapping
- Fixed some issues that would cause the game to freeze
- Fixed a crash on launch
Please let us know if there are any bugs that you have encountered. You can do this by e-mailing [email protected]
For business inquires: [email protected]