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Excursion re loca (Local excursion/read the desc/Lea la desc)

Idk, Just Daisy meets cotty.

I love this game!

I have seen It when i was 9

Charles Lawrence Vermin

and Dex.

(Characters by @FunnyFrendo34 )

El Restaurante (The Restaurant/read the desc, Lea la Descripción)

comm for @Fredinator !! (1/2)

Jena's secret crush (part 1/read the article)

I add furs cheeks on clássic jena? Why? Bcuz i add the furs in her cheeks as details.

Also i improved the art Edit ig..

Even more Atamari!

arbolite (arbolito/read the desc/Lea la descripción) (Ft twisted pebble)