15 days ago

the character you saw in the teaser is nightmare coco

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aaaa i see three characters people like the most is the bat, drago and..... freya for some reason

Here's a better look at Freddy for One Night at Freddy Fazbear's Remake game page will come soon

Bonnie full body render

one of the game over screens for the game i am working on now

the models for one night at freddy fazbear's remake are base on fnaf plus but they also base on my old fnaf 1 models here what they look like i made them when i was still new to blender 2.79

here the first teaser for the remake i haven't work on the game because i working on something else then i will work on this game i just made freddy for fun and yes freddy is inspired by fnaf plus my love

The main menu for the game it's still a wip main menu things will get changed in the game when it's finish

Freddy and the gang :D

i almost done making models for this game i love how they look they are much then there minecraft look

Chica and Mr. Cupcake full body pic