Five Nights at Coso's PLUS
8 months ago

The Complete Edition (Ver. Update 1.5.0)

Hopefully, This will be the last update for Five Nights at Coso's PLUS. We might as well waste no time, let's discuss what's changed.

Name Change

The name of the game will NO LONGER be called "Five Nights at Coso's PLUS: Deluxe Edition" but rather "Five Nights at Coso's PLUS"

I know the name shares the same name as the original Five Nights at Coso's: PLUS, however, the original game will be put on a separate game page (if I even had it) for those who want to play the original version, I guess. I don't know who would want to, but it's for those who want to see my earlier projects 😭

Now that we're done talking about that, let's discuss the new update!

  • The game now has a custom cursor! The custom cursor doesn't change the game at all tbh, BUT, it's cool because it shows you what you can click on and stuff!

  • The menu now has a setting screen! I decided to make one as there's a lot of customizable options for how you'd like to play, and I didn't want it to be a continuous list all the way down the left of the menu. The options are also connected to your save file, so when you load up the game, whatever you set up the last time will stay loaded!

  • The newly added settings also have 5 new features:

    • "Fullscreen". instead of using Window's minimize and maximize button, you have an option right there!

    • "V-sync". To this day, I still have no idea what v-sync does 😭💀 but it's there and it works!

    • "Custom Cursor" if you don't like the cursor in game? You can always use the Windows mouse instead!

    • "Always mute Radio Man". Very simple setting, but you could always mute the "phone guy" without having to do it yourself

    • And last but not least, a max volume meter. You can set how loud the game is in general!

  • The "Fast Scrolling" option has been removed in the menu

  • The arrow's code has been completely changed in the menu

  • The arrows now have a little animation to them whenever you click on them while in the menu

  • A little guide will show on "Custom" to notifiy the player on how to customize the difficulty on threats in the menu

  • You have an option to hide the difficulty indicators and what they mean in the menu

  • The Randomize Button on the "Custom" challenge is completely fixed in the menu

  • Cosa will disappear completely when she's inactive in the gameplay

  • The soundtracks are fixed for the main nights and will play if you mute the radio

  • Old Coso now has to go to and appear in the Showstage camera before reaching the Break Room camera in the gameplay

  • ProtoCoso now has to go to and appear in the Closet camera before attacking the player in the gameplay

  • SpringCoso's springlocks will drain 5/100 of a second slower when either Coso, Cosa, Meow, and Classic Coso are attacking in the gameplay

  • Classic Old Coso is .2 seconds faster when attacking the player in the cameras in the gameplay

  • "Five Nights at Coso's PLUS: Deluxe Edition" has been changed "Five Nights at Coso's PLUS" in the credits



Next up

Custom Night W.I.P

She frank my burt until I lockjaw

𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓸 𝓥𝓻𝓸... ❤️ ❤️


Yes king 😋😋💦💦👅😫

Rat Race Production Update


Who up franking they burt rn 💔💔💔🙏



(Game Jolt compression is terrible)