It's good. There are some things I'm struggling with, like the music and some of the modeling. Still, I think I'm on track with the release date for what's essentially a remaster of my first officially released game (which will now be my first feature-complete game with finished content).
However, since the release is pretty far, I want to work on other projects. Specifically, projects I can work on with other people. I don't know if you guys knew this, but I've worked on all my games by myself when it comes to directly contributing. The only credits are for textures from Poliigon (which I'm trying to use less of), voice work from voice actors (usually only voices I literally can't do), and playtesters. For my future projects, I will likely work with other people, but Six Hours at Diddle's is one project I want to work on alone.
And because I am very particular about what I show and don't show, it may seem like I'm no longer working on the game at points, especially with more projects releasing between now and the game's release. So this post is me saying "The game is still coming, I'm just not saying anything!"
Anyway, it's time for me to disappear for another—eh, I'll say month till my next post.