As many of you have heard by now Dawko played AUCN and encountered some bugs. yay
Dawko is more skilled in finding stuff than actual beta testers.
There was a glitch where whenever Dave would summon Mr. Hugs, he would instantly kill you.
Dave is no longer allowed to summon hug boi
Withered Freddy was bugged too, but only slightly.
Withered Freddy’s problem was his attack time, not how long he attacked.
I wasn’t really clear with his description, and I fixed that now, so here it is:
Withered Freddy will kill you whenever (in your timer) your seconds are an even number and your miliseconds are 0. This makes you wait to flip down your monitor.
It was my bad that I didn’t make it very clear.
Next on the list is Bonnie.
Bonnie is attracted to your audio. He wasn’t moving because his audio was playing.
Alrighty. I think that’s everyone.
I’m currently working on fixing the game for Dawko.
Sorry for releasing a sh*t game
Oh and one more thing.
I was working on a major feature and this happened before I finished. That feature isn’t finished.
I would not recommend looking through the game files.
Lots of spoilers.
The new patch will be up by the end of the day.